Professional in Business Analysis,
US Federal Government Prices
100% Live Online.
Click on the down arrow for classes.
The Exam not included.
PMI(R) Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA)(R) Cert, 100% Live Online training only. Please purchase your training 7 to 10 business days before class, so you receive your class material in time. This training is priced for Federal Government employees only, and provides 35 hours for exam approval with the prep you need to pass. The PMI-PBA exam is not included. Class includes up to 6 months of quiz practice starting on the last day of class comprised of over 1,000 questions. The PMI-PBA Exam is not included. This PMI-PBA class is a Project Management Institute certification covering Requirements Management and Strategic Alignment, Needs Assessment, Forward and Back Tracing, Managing Organizational Change and more, as these areas are all a part of Business Analysis project knowledge. This page provides a convenient way for the Federal Government agencies to purchase this training. Class #: TRBA34
The Exam fees can be seen in your dashboard after you have been approved the exam. For this reason, the exam fees shown on this page may not be accurate.
Contact Nereda Haque, PMP at 360-584-8614 by phone or text if you have any questions, just email her
Method of training: 100% Live Online Training: Class Times: 9 AM to 7:15 PM Eastern Time, or as advertised. To purchase training, click on the down arrow to see all date choices, then click on the dates you want, then click on the 'add to cart' button
SmartPath LLC is a PMI(R) Authorized Training Partner (A.T.P)*, # 3441 .
Instructor: Mo Haque, MSEE, MSEE, PMP, PMI-PBA, PMI-ACP, CMfgT, EDMP. Mo is a very seasoned and highly experienced instructor. He is easy to understand, and he will provide clear answers to all of your questions. See Mo’s Experience. Mo is a very seasoned instructor. He is easy to understand, and he will provide clear answers to all of your questions. Verify Mo’s Experience. Verify all Mo’s badges. Mo Haque is a brilliant educator, with a strong experiential background throughout his global project management career directing and managing global programs where he used enterprise analytical techniques, analysis, and modeling to improve organizational efficiencies through gap identification and process automation. He is famous for his storytelling, workflows, and for making the seemingly difficult, simple. Mo Haque also spent 9 years as the head of a College of Engineering. Those who have experienced his training, continue to come back to class for other training, never ceasing to be amazed at just how much wisdom and knowledge he is able to impart from so much experience.
See our testimonials.
See PDU Details Below
Audience: Project Managers, Program Managers, Operations Managers, Business Managers, System analysts, enterprise architects, MBA's, who analyze business problems or manage requirements within a project or program.
PMI-PBA Training Objectives
◦ Apply the learned processes when you manage a business analysis project in real life
◦ Use visual diagrams to guide you through any business analysis activity, with the related inputs and outputs relationships
◦ Produce needed models to initiate, plan, execute, business analysis projects in real life
◦ Understand business process analysis. Do not cram it.
◦ You can’t apply what you don’t understand.
◦ Apply for the certification examination once you understand it.
About SmartPath LLC and the PMI-PBA Certification Training with Exam Prep:
If you have questions regarding your experience send Nereda Haque, PMP your resume for review. There is no charge to review your resume and assess your experience for exam acceptance. We also go over the application in class.
See Benefits of SmartPath LLC's PMI-PBA Certification Training
SmartPath LLC has taught Business Process Analysis for over 8 years highlighting why it is so important. You may read our article here. This page has been read by thousands world-wide since it was posted in February, 2012. SmartPath LLC believes that Business Analysis skills are "must have" skills for all project managers. Business Analysis is a growing field with a job according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Discounts are for people attending class together.
SmartPath LLC's Training, 100% Live Online or Onsite training for your groups (see below)
Method of Training 100% Live Online Video Conference Class using your computer. Class content is digital. You will be sent instructions for downloading. Training is most hosted from the East Coast. Join this training using a computer or a laptop. We do not accept cellphone connections. All instructions will be sent after we process your order.
Ask us about Prices for your Group Training Onsite or get quotes for your group 100% Live Online. Group training can be held at your location in DC, WA, MI or at other locations based on the needs of your group.
Getting Your Materials for Class
Class content is digital. You will be sent instructions for downloading.
PMI-PBA Testimonial
I just wanted to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed the training last week! I usually, not only hate being confined to a desk for extended hours in a day, I dread listening to instructors who drone on about theatricals that have little or no practical use.
You are, not only a gifted instructor, your grasp on theory and practical concepts is without rival. Your personal experience, coupled with your magnetic personality, all combine to make learning – even at my advanced age – interesting and exciting. I have rarely encountered a professor of your caliber. Keep up the fine work!" - Joe C., PMP - Joe works for US Largest Employer
PMI-PBA Exam Pricing is not included in the training price:
Member of PMI: $405
Nonmember of PMI: $555
Reexamination - member: $275
Reexamination - nonmember: $375
PMI Membership fee - initial: $149
Government does not purchase memberships. You may apply for Exam approval without becoming a member of PMI. However, before you pay for the Exam, to get the member rate, you need to become a PMI member.
PDU Details - 35 PDUs: T = Technical for the certification; L = Leadership; S = Strategic
PMP®/PgMP PDUs: T/L/S: 25/5/5
PMI-ACP PDUs: T/L/S: 0/5/5
PfMP PDUs: T/L/S: 25/5/5
PMI-PBA PDUs: T/L/S: 15/5/5
The Exam fees can be seen in your dashboard after you have been approved the exam. For this reason, the exam fees shown on this page may not be accurate.
Contact Nereda Haque, PMP at 360-584-8614 by phone or text if you have any questions, just email her
Method of training: 100% Live Online Training: Class Times: 9 AM to 7:15 PM Eastern Time, or as advertised. To purchase training, click on the down arrow to see all date choices, then click on the dates you want, then click on the 'add to cart' button
SmartPath LLC is a PMI(R) Authorized Training Partner (A.T.P)*, # 3441 .
Instructor: Mo Haque, MSEE, MSEE, PMP, PMI-PBA, PMI-ACP, CMfgT, EDMP. Mo is a very seasoned and highly experienced instructor. He is easy to understand, and he will provide clear answers to all of your questions. See Mo’s Experience. Mo is a very seasoned instructor. He is easy to understand, and he will provide clear answers to all of your questions. Verify Mo’s Experience. Verify all Mo’s badges. Mo Haque is a brilliant educator, with a strong experiential background throughout his global project management career directing and managing global programs where he used enterprise analytical techniques, analysis, and modeling to improve organizational efficiencies through gap identification and process automation. He is famous for his storytelling, workflows, and for making the seemingly difficult, simple. Mo Haque also spent 9 years as the head of a College of Engineering. Those who have experienced his training, continue to come back to class for other training, never ceasing to be amazed at just how much wisdom and knowledge he is able to impart from so much experience.
See our testimonials.
See PDU Details Below
Audience: Project Managers, Program Managers, Operations Managers, Business Managers, System analysts, enterprise architects, MBA's, who analyze business problems or manage requirements within a project or program.
PMI-PBA Training Objectives
◦ Apply the learned processes when you manage a business analysis project in real life
◦ Use visual diagrams to guide you through any business analysis activity, with the related inputs and outputs relationships
◦ Produce needed models to initiate, plan, execute, business analysis projects in real life
◦ Understand business process analysis. Do not cram it.
◦ You can’t apply what you don’t understand.
◦ Apply for the certification examination once you understand it.
About SmartPath LLC and the PMI-PBA Certification Training with Exam Prep:
If you have questions regarding your experience send Nereda Haque, PMP your resume for review. There is no charge to review your resume and assess your experience for exam acceptance. We also go over the application in class.
See Benefits of SmartPath LLC's PMI-PBA Certification Training
SmartPath LLC has taught Business Process Analysis for over 8 years highlighting why it is so important. You may read our article here. This page has been read by thousands world-wide since it was posted in February, 2012. SmartPath LLC believes that Business Analysis skills are "must have" skills for all project managers. Business Analysis is a growing field with a job according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Discounts are for people attending class together.
SmartPath LLC's Training, 100% Live Online or Onsite training for your groups (see below)
Method of Training 100% Live Online Video Conference Class using your computer. Class content is digital. You will be sent instructions for downloading. Training is most hosted from the East Coast. Join this training using a computer or a laptop. We do not accept cellphone connections. All instructions will be sent after we process your order.
Ask us about Prices for your Group Training Onsite or get quotes for your group 100% Live Online. Group training can be held at your location in DC, WA, MI or at other locations based on the needs of your group.
Getting Your Materials for Class
Class content is digital. You will be sent instructions for downloading.
PMI-PBA Testimonial
I just wanted to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed the training last week! I usually, not only hate being confined to a desk for extended hours in a day, I dread listening to instructors who drone on about theatricals that have little or no practical use.
You are, not only a gifted instructor, your grasp on theory and practical concepts is without rival. Your personal experience, coupled with your magnetic personality, all combine to make learning – even at my advanced age – interesting and exciting. I have rarely encountered a professor of your caliber. Keep up the fine work!" - Joe C., PMP - Joe works for US Largest Employer
PMI-PBA Exam Pricing is not included in the training price:
Member of PMI: $405
Nonmember of PMI: $555
Reexamination - member: $275
Reexamination - nonmember: $375
PMI Membership fee - initial: $149
Government does not purchase memberships. You may apply for Exam approval without becoming a member of PMI. However, before you pay for the Exam, to get the member rate, you need to become a PMI member.
PDU Details - 35 PDUs: T = Technical for the certification; L = Leadership; S = Strategic
PMP®/PgMP PDUs: T/L/S: 25/5/5
PMI-ACP PDUs: T/L/S: 0/5/5
PfMP PDUs: T/L/S: 25/5/5
PMI-PBA PDUs: T/L/S: 15/5/5