for Companies

Project Management (PMI-ACP)(R Certification Training, Agile.
SmartPath LLC can tailor any of our training to your organization's needs. Whether the training is for a new project, agile or business analysis team members with no experience, a fundamentals class, or a certification class, or whether you need training focused on specific areas such as network diagrams, requirements elicitation etc. We teach a fundamentals class focused on predictive/traditional project management for companies who don't require agile knowledge, but wish to improve the outcomes of their projects or increase the knowledge of the project managers or the project team.
Your project managers can take this free quiz to assess whether or not they need to enhance of improve their knowledge and skills: They can even print a certificate if they score 62% or more. All answers are correct, but can they pick the best answer based on the scenario.
Please talk to us about your training needs.
SmartPath LLCs PMIŽ Badge can be verified: SmartPath LLC is a PMI(R) Authorized Training Partner (A.T.P), # 3441 .
Very Experienced Instructor: Mo Haque, MSEE, PMP PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, CMfgT, EDMP. PMI(R) Authorized Partner Instructor Qualifications: See Mo Haque's experience and badge links.
Please call or text Nereda Haque, PMP for all questions on training at 360-584-8614 or email her. Verify Nereda Haque.
See Professional Development Training.
See benefits