PMI-ACP(R) (Agile) Certification Testimonials

PMI-ACP(R) Certification Class Testimonials (for Agile). Below are some of our responses. We hope you will find them interesting and helpful. Notify us when you pass. All training is aligned to the PMI-ACP Exam Outline. We appreciate all of those trainees who take the time to email or text us after they have taken the exam. Here are there comments below. This is a must-have certification if you are an IT Professional with work experience related to Adaptive life cycles. While you learn about Agile during PMP Certification, PMI-ACP Certification provides insights to all major methodologies and hybrids. This has not been kept up to date but we will start doing it soon after we have geared up for the new PMI-ACP exam starting after November 8, 2024.
"I passed! Thank you for your help!" Thao V., PMI-ACP passed on 12-6-2023 - above target.
"PMI- ACP Exam - I passed!!! Above target on 6 domains. So thankful to all of you!!! . . . Easier than expected. 😊" Elsa C., PMI-ACP (She's also has her PMP) - passed 10-30-23
"Passed PMI-ACP: "Anyway, thank you so much. . . Just did the test. I scheduled it a bit sooner than I wanted because I was surprised an opening down the road was available. Turns out everything went fine. I really appreciate your conscientiousness and of course your support of me."- Jason F., PMI-ACP - passed 6-27-2023
"I just passed my exam. Wanted to let you know. 😊" - Luke P., PMI-ACP - passed 3-21-2023
"It was easier once, I put in a personal deadline. Thank you for the congratulations notice. [Glad it was easier.] . . . Thanks to Smart- Path and instructor Mo " S.S. PMI-ACP - passed Nov - 2022
"Just wanted to let you know I tested today and passed the PMI-ACP Exam exam. Thank you for all your support!" - Stephen B., PMI-ACP
Hi Mo,
Just wanted to reach out and thank you for your very helpful instruction around Agile and the PMI-ACP exam. I passed my exam on 12/29. I achieved a score ‘Above Target’ in all areas. It was tough, not due to content but really in the quality of the questions. I thought it didn’t follow the learning guide very well which would have hurt less prepared students . . .
People always ask what the student did to prepare for the exam, I thought I would give you my take. I attended your course the first time, read about 70% of the material that week and the following couple weeks. If you remember, I destroyed my laptop driving over it and lost my notes. I reached out and asked to sit the course a second time which was generous of you to accept. I read none of your book in preparation for the second round, I was hoping to listen with fresh ears. I did read the PMI Agile handbook though in preparation, which I only have done the one time. After the 2nd pass of your class I read through your book material one more time. I then began the practice tests. I took all 8 and had scores between about 62 and 78 on first try, but one stinker at 46%!!! I reviewed only the questions I got wrong, and only one time. If there was something I needed to research or relearn, I made a list of those items across all 8 tests. I took that pick list and spent a few weeks poking around and getting more familiar with those. Finally I sat each of the 8 practice exams a 2nds time. I got all my exams over 80% on the second effort." Colin R., PMI-ACP
I generally think your pool of questions is of higher quality than those I was coming across in my study groups. "I passed my [PMI-ACP] Exam this morning, about target in five categories and on target in the rest. Thank you. . . The [class] notes were fantastic! Loved the class!" - Gabe R., PMI-ACP - passed 9-27-2021
"Hi Nereda,
Hope all is well with you and Mo. I just wanted to let know that I have taken and successfully passed my PMI-ACP exam. I couldn't have done it without your help. Your certification course and study aides allowed me to enter the exam with confidence. Thanks to SmartPath LLC I am two for two on my PMI certifications! Best Regards," Jarred K. , PMI-ACP - passed 4-30-2021.
Passed the PMI-ACP Certification: "Thank you! I’m glad it’s over. It always feels tough while I’m taking it (she is PMP, PMI-PBA and now PMI-ACP certified, and she took all her training at SmartPath LLC). . . Thank you," - Chantelle S., PMI-ACP - passed 4-8-2021.
"I think that I passed the exam. At the end of the exam it said Congratulations and that I would be receiving something in the mail in 1 to 3 days. But no other notifications" - Canessa B.,PMI-ACP - passed 10-16-2020. She passed!. She took her exam Live Online.
"Hi Mo, I spoke to Nereda earlier but wanted to let you know that I passed my ACP exam today. I received 3 Above Targets, 3 Targets, and 1 Below Target. Now that I have passed, do you have any time later this week or next to go over my resume to make sure I’m including the proper information? I’m flexible and I can be available anytime. Thank you and thank you for the materials and training. It was all I used." - Mark T, PMI-ACP - passed 11-12-2019 - passed in less than 30-days.
"Thank you Nereda, [The PMI-ACP exam] was very difficult, mostly situational paragraph questions with paragraph answers, hence, a lot of reading and reviewing. It seemed well over 50% of the questions had two correct answers, and I had to go with my gut. While taking the exam, I was seriously concerned that I wasn’t going to pass, and was quite pleased when I did. Here’s where I ended up overall: Above Target" - Debra D., PMI-ACP - passed 6-20-2019
"Hey Nereda,
I just passed my PMI-ACP exam on the first attempt! Thank you for pushing down the Agile path. I truly appreciate all your help and support! All the best to you any Mo! " Jon B., PMP, PMI-ACP - passed PMI-ACP 6-8-2019
"Woohoo" . . .Scored Above Target for the PMI-ACP (Agile) Exam . . . " I owe a huge debt of gratitude . . . to Mo and Nereda" Clinton G., PMI-ACP - passed 3-29-2019
Hi Nereda,
"Hi Nereda and Mo,
I passed my exam this afternoon. I received an “Above Target” overall score and finished in 2 hours. Thank you for a great training session, as well as great study materials." - Larry S.,PMI-ACP - passed 9-21-18. Finished training Sept 6- 2018
"Makes me wonder what I would have scored had my entire family not been sick for two weeks prior to the exam! My preparation was not where I wanted it, but it’s all about passing isn’t it?" - Gordon H., PMI-ACP - passed 7-3-2018 with 5 above targets
"Passed [the PMI-ACP Exam] Above Target. 😁" - Jennifer S - passed 5-11-18
"Thank you. It was a great class and the instructor managed to keep me fully engaged despite the early start." - JS - 4-1-18
"Just passed the test! [PMI-ACP Exam] with above target in all areas. :)" - Luann E, PMI-ACP - passed 3-22-18
"Hi Nereda,
Thanks to the interactive instruction, excellent training materials and practice exams from SmartPath, I was able to pass the ACP exam on the first attempt. I would highly recommend the SmartPath ACP Exam Prep Course to anyone serious about wanting to pass the ACP exam and needing to obtain the 21 contact hours of training in agile practices. Thank you so much.
Please find attached - a copy of my ACP Exam Results Report. I earned an Above Target in all domain areas, except Adaptive Planning." - Jim R., PMI-ACP
"Hi Nereda,
The test was a little different from the practice tests. The practice tests are focused on the theoretical knowledge, while each single question on the actual test was a practical scenario where you had to respond on how you would handle it. Otherwise it was not hard. I passed with “above targets” in all sections. Thanks for all your help and support! Great training and it was easy to deal with everything!" - Diana R., PMI-ACP - Passed 6-17-17
Wanted to thank you for the good preparation, training materials and quizzes. Passed the ACP certification a couple of weeks ago!" - Fabian O, PMI-ACP - passed 2-24-17
"Hi Folks,
Thanks to your brilliant training, coaching and guidance. I am happy to advise that I am now PMI-ACP qualified. Now for the long drive back from Puyallup to Issaquah. Best," Was the exam easier or more difficult than you expected? " . . . it was not easier than I expected, but also not super-tough either. Happy that I spent so much time on the quizzes - they helped a lot. Thanks again to you and Mo, have a great weekend." - Elwyn O, PMI-ACP - passed 2-17-17
"I just finished my exam today with a pass (with a mix of Moderately Proficients and Proficient results), and I was able to do it with a concussion (which I received from hockey a week ago). The exam was pretty basic, which I had no complaints. (Note: it took like 7 days to be approved to take the exam, just in case you guys are capturing some metrics). Thanks again for the great class." Christian M., PMI-ACP - passed 2-2-17
"Hi Nereda/Mo,
Great news to share! I passed the ACP exam today. Can you please email me the PMP quiz links at your earliest convenience?" Cynthia Q. PMI-ACP - passed 2-1-17
"Just passed the ACP test. . .Thanks Mo/Nereda - The training, quizzes, and additional email conversations were highly effective and appreciated. Thanks for your support. Thanks," Erik O. PMI-ACP
"I passed!!!:)" "Thank you for all of your guidance and assistance." - Stacy B., PMI-ACP - passed 10-8-16, finished training 10-2-16
"Thanks for the email. That is really nice of Mo! I actually took and passed the exam yesterday so am all set. Thanks again!" Sasha L, PMI-ACP - passed 9/6/16
"Nereda and Mo,
Passed the ACP. Thanks a lot. 75% were 'what should be done (next)' questions." - Ramana M-R., PMI-ACP - passed 8-29/16
"PASSED!!! Woo-hoo! Nereda and Mom, thanks for your support. I could hear Mo's voice saying 'what will you do?'" - Donna, B., PMI-ACP - passed 7-27-16
"I passed :)" What was the most valuable preparation for you? "The practice tests are always the most helpful." - Amy H., PMI-ACP - passed 7/8/16
"The most beneficial was the time spent in the classroom. Having two students in the class probably helped as well. I scheduled the first available timeslot available after receiving PMI’s email notification to proceed. From the online quizzes, I was scoring in the 70 percent range. The exam however seemed easier than the online quizzes. Overall, scored competent in two domains and moderately competent for the rest. Please pass my thanks and gratitude to Mo." Darek K. PMI-ACP - passed 6-14-16
"Hi Nereda/Mo,
I passed the ACP exam today 😊 Thank You, Regards," - Sumana S, PMI-ACP - passed 6-12-16
"Passed! Thanks for your support! Test was 90% fuzzy." Price T., PMI-ACP - passed 4-27-16
"Hi Nereda -
Just want to let you and Mo know that I passed my PMI-ACP exam this morning. Thanks for preparing me!" - Charlie M., PMI-ACP - passed 4-21-16
"Hello everyone! This morning, I successfully passed my Project Management Institute certifications as an Agile Certified Practitioner.
The last month has been so wild, and there is much more to be done, but I'm thankful to God that I passed the exam this morning.
Special thanks to Nereda and Mo Haque, who NEVER let me give up, even after the ankle break and whose training enabled me to pass the exam. Also to my friend Charity who drove me in and WAITED for me during a 2 hour test. She's amazing! And of course so much thanks to Reiko who encouraged me and has done more than her share.
This whole experience has taught me a lot and I'm grateful to each and every one of you for your support. On to the PMP!!!! Nancy :)" - Nancy U.,PMI-ACP - passed 4-2-16
"Passed. Headed back to Seattle." Jeff C., PMI-ACP - passed 7/14/15
"Passed :) Thank you for all your help!" Astra W, PMI-ACP - passed 7/14/15
"Congratulations to Robert E., PMI-ACP who just passed his second PMI Certification with in the last couple of weeks! Passed 7-14-15
"Congratulations to Usha and Jai who both passed today." 7-12-15
"Thank you for checking in. I appreciate that. And I HAVE GOOD NEWS!!! I took the test today and passed. Take care and give my regards to Mo." Nirav P., PMI-ACP - passed 7-9-15
"Hello Nereda,
Thank you for checking in. I took my exam this morning and I passed. Thanks for all you and Mo's help!" Vincent H., PMI-ACP
"You are an excellent teacher and I truly appreciate the enthusiasm you bring to class. Thank you again." - C.S.,PMI-ACP - one exam down and 2 to go.
"Passed! See you next week." - Coby S., PMI-ACP - passed 6-18-15 PMI-ACP Exam: "Passed! See you next week." - Coby S., PMI-ACP - passed 6-18-15 PMI-ACP Exam: "I passed!" Ken B., PMI-ACP - passed 6/2/15 PMI-PBA Class: "Thank you for follow up with me, I really enjoyed the class. Now I am preparing for the exam, I would like to take it on July 3rd." - R.F. PMI-ACP Exam: "I passed!" Ken B., PMI-ACP - passed 6/2/15
"Hi Nereda,
Just wanted to let you know I passed the exam today ("Proficient" in both domains)! Thanks for all your help!" Karin K, PMI-ACP - passed 5/7/15
"Hi Nereda,
I passed :) Thanks!" Carrie W, PMI-ACP - passed 4-24-15
"Hi Nereda,
I have completed exam yesterday. Cleared the same." Darshan K., PMI-PMI - passed 4-23-15
PMI-ACP: Test to Mo: "I passed!" Email to Nereda: "I took a bit longer than I'd expected...I marked almost 30 questions for review. The wording of the questions made me think often...not sure what they were after. Best answer tests often have that effect on me." Robert E.,PMI-ACP - passed 4-23-15 - finished training Apr 3 – 2015
"Yippee! I passed!" Ken J., PMI-ACP - passed 4/18/15
"I passed!!!Thanks so much (Nereda) for that strategy. I went through all of the online questions and read over the large sized training aids. Thanks so much for all of the support and I will definitely be telling all of my fellow PMO colleagues all about my success with taking your class. We have several different service offerings (Portfolio, BAs, Change Managers, PMs, Program Managers) that could benefit from certification training as well as our junior staff. Thanks again!!!" - Margo R., PMI-ACP - passed 3-14-15 ACP Exam: "I passed!!!Thanks so much (Nereda) for that strategy. I went through all of the online questions and read over the large sized training aids. Thanks so much for all of the support and I will definitely be telling all of my fellow PMO colleagues all about my success with taking your class. We have several different service offerings (Portfolio, BAs, Change Managers, PMs, Program Managers) that could benefit from certification training as well as our junior staff. Thanks again!!!" - Margo R., PMI-ACP - passed 3-14-15
PMI-ACP exam:"Hello Mo & Nereda,
I passed the exam today. Thank you very much & have a great week!" Kim N., PMP, PMI-ACP - passed ACP exam 10/6/14
PMI-ACP Cert "Passed it this morning." - Liz H, PMI-ACP. Passed 12/24/13. Finished training Dec 8, 2013.
"I feel as if I am very well prepared [for the PMP Exam]; the course is great...SmartPath has great offerings,..I'm thinking about taking the ACP course next year...I am so glad I found this course, great value for the money - Jeff (instructor - WA) was fantastic!:)" J.G.
"Most of my team has been through CSM training, which at least has helped them understand the process. I did mine in April, since I was told to go, but I think I got a better overall understanding from this course (PMI-ACP Certification with Prep), because nothing but Scrum is discussed (in CSM) and that does not work for all teams. I know people look for it, like the PMP, but I think that is primarily because that's [a]recruiter code for agile, not because they understand it." Liz H.,PMI-ACP - Passed 12-24-13
PMI-ACP Cert: "Well, I passed today, but with only Moderately Proficient in both categories, which is to be expected I guess as I still have a lot to learn in application of agile. . . The practice exams were pretty close to the actual test. But there were definitely some tricky questions. . .Thanks for your help in the prep." Bryan N, PMP, PMI-ACP - Finished training, December 8. Passed 12/13/13
PMI-ACP Cert "Passed it this morning." - Liz H, PMI-ACP. Passed 12/24/13. Finished training Dec 8, 2013.
PMI-ACP: "Afternoon Nereda,
Hope you are well. I passed earlier this afternoon so I’m quite pleased (and ready for a nap!). Thank you to you and Mo for a great class, it is much appreciated. I’m sure you will be hearing from me again as now I have to deal with continuing education credits!" Angela B., PMP, PMI-ACP® - 7-29-13. Finished training 7/26/13
PMI-ACP Exam: "Hello Mo,
Well good news is I passed." Stephen C., PMI-ACP - Passed 6-5-13. Finished training May 14, 2013.
PMI-ACP® Exam: "The exam was heavily focused on Scrum and XP. As you said during the class, if you know the principles and the manifesto, you should pass. As I answered the questions, I chose the best options that fit the principles and the manifesto." Michael R., PMP, PMI-ACP Passed April 19, 2013. Finished training on April 2. This class has more memorization than the preparation for the PMP® Exam. Excellent work.
"I passed! Thank you for your help!" Thao V., PMI-ACP passed on 12-6-2023 - above target.
"PMI- ACP Exam - I passed!!! Above target on 6 domains. So thankful to all of you!!! . . . Easier than expected. 😊" Elsa C., PMI-ACP (She's also has her PMP) - passed 10-30-23
"Passed PMI-ACP: "Anyway, thank you so much. . . Just did the test. I scheduled it a bit sooner than I wanted because I was surprised an opening down the road was available. Turns out everything went fine. I really appreciate your conscientiousness and of course your support of me."- Jason F., PMI-ACP - passed 6-27-2023
"I just passed my exam. Wanted to let you know. 😊" - Luke P., PMI-ACP - passed 3-21-2023
"It was easier once, I put in a personal deadline. Thank you for the congratulations notice. [Glad it was easier.] . . . Thanks to Smart- Path and instructor Mo " S.S. PMI-ACP - passed Nov - 2022
"Just wanted to let you know I tested today and passed the PMI-ACP Exam exam. Thank you for all your support!" - Stephen B., PMI-ACP
Hi Mo,
Just wanted to reach out and thank you for your very helpful instruction around Agile and the PMI-ACP exam. I passed my exam on 12/29. I achieved a score ‘Above Target’ in all areas. It was tough, not due to content but really in the quality of the questions. I thought it didn’t follow the learning guide very well which would have hurt less prepared students . . .
People always ask what the student did to prepare for the exam, I thought I would give you my take. I attended your course the first time, read about 70% of the material that week and the following couple weeks. If you remember, I destroyed my laptop driving over it and lost my notes. I reached out and asked to sit the course a second time which was generous of you to accept. I read none of your book in preparation for the second round, I was hoping to listen with fresh ears. I did read the PMI Agile handbook though in preparation, which I only have done the one time. After the 2nd pass of your class I read through your book material one more time. I then began the practice tests. I took all 8 and had scores between about 62 and 78 on first try, but one stinker at 46%!!! I reviewed only the questions I got wrong, and only one time. If there was something I needed to research or relearn, I made a list of those items across all 8 tests. I took that pick list and spent a few weeks poking around and getting more familiar with those. Finally I sat each of the 8 practice exams a 2nds time. I got all my exams over 80% on the second effort." Colin R., PMI-ACP
I generally think your pool of questions is of higher quality than those I was coming across in my study groups. "I passed my [PMI-ACP] Exam this morning, about target in five categories and on target in the rest. Thank you. . . The [class] notes were fantastic! Loved the class!" - Gabe R., PMI-ACP - passed 9-27-2021
"Hi Nereda,
Hope all is well with you and Mo. I just wanted to let know that I have taken and successfully passed my PMI-ACP exam. I couldn't have done it without your help. Your certification course and study aides allowed me to enter the exam with confidence. Thanks to SmartPath LLC I am two for two on my PMI certifications! Best Regards," Jarred K. , PMI-ACP - passed 4-30-2021.
Passed the PMI-ACP Certification: "Thank you! I’m glad it’s over. It always feels tough while I’m taking it (she is PMP, PMI-PBA and now PMI-ACP certified, and she took all her training at SmartPath LLC). . . Thank you," - Chantelle S., PMI-ACP - passed 4-8-2021.
"I think that I passed the exam. At the end of the exam it said Congratulations and that I would be receiving something in the mail in 1 to 3 days. But no other notifications" - Canessa B.,PMI-ACP - passed 10-16-2020. She passed!. She took her exam Live Online.
"Hi Mo, I spoke to Nereda earlier but wanted to let you know that I passed my ACP exam today. I received 3 Above Targets, 3 Targets, and 1 Below Target. Now that I have passed, do you have any time later this week or next to go over my resume to make sure I’m including the proper information? I’m flexible and I can be available anytime. Thank you and thank you for the materials and training. It was all I used." - Mark T, PMI-ACP - passed 11-12-2019 - passed in less than 30-days.
"Thank you Nereda, [The PMI-ACP exam] was very difficult, mostly situational paragraph questions with paragraph answers, hence, a lot of reading and reviewing. It seemed well over 50% of the questions had two correct answers, and I had to go with my gut. While taking the exam, I was seriously concerned that I wasn’t going to pass, and was quite pleased when I did. Here’s where I ended up overall: Above Target" - Debra D., PMI-ACP - passed 6-20-2019
"Hey Nereda,
I just passed my PMI-ACP exam on the first attempt! Thank you for pushing down the Agile path. I truly appreciate all your help and support! All the best to you any Mo! " Jon B., PMP, PMI-ACP - passed PMI-ACP 6-8-2019
"Woohoo" . . .Scored Above Target for the PMI-ACP (Agile) Exam . . . " I owe a huge debt of gratitude . . . to Mo and Nereda" Clinton G., PMI-ACP - passed 3-29-2019
Hi Nereda,
"Hi Nereda and Mo,
I passed my exam this afternoon. I received an “Above Target” overall score and finished in 2 hours. Thank you for a great training session, as well as great study materials." - Larry S.,PMI-ACP - passed 9-21-18. Finished training Sept 6- 2018
"Makes me wonder what I would have scored had my entire family not been sick for two weeks prior to the exam! My preparation was not where I wanted it, but it’s all about passing isn’t it?" - Gordon H., PMI-ACP - passed 7-3-2018 with 5 above targets
"Passed [the PMI-ACP Exam] Above Target. 😁" - Jennifer S - passed 5-11-18
"Thank you. It was a great class and the instructor managed to keep me fully engaged despite the early start." - JS - 4-1-18
"Just passed the test! [PMI-ACP Exam] with above target in all areas. :)" - Luann E, PMI-ACP - passed 3-22-18
"Hi Nereda,
Thanks to the interactive instruction, excellent training materials and practice exams from SmartPath, I was able to pass the ACP exam on the first attempt. I would highly recommend the SmartPath ACP Exam Prep Course to anyone serious about wanting to pass the ACP exam and needing to obtain the 21 contact hours of training in agile practices. Thank you so much.
Please find attached - a copy of my ACP Exam Results Report. I earned an Above Target in all domain areas, except Adaptive Planning." - Jim R., PMI-ACP
"Hi Nereda,
The test was a little different from the practice tests. The practice tests are focused on the theoretical knowledge, while each single question on the actual test was a practical scenario where you had to respond on how you would handle it. Otherwise it was not hard. I passed with “above targets” in all sections. Thanks for all your help and support! Great training and it was easy to deal with everything!" - Diana R., PMI-ACP - Passed 6-17-17
Wanted to thank you for the good preparation, training materials and quizzes. Passed the ACP certification a couple of weeks ago!" - Fabian O, PMI-ACP - passed 2-24-17
"Hi Folks,
Thanks to your brilliant training, coaching and guidance. I am happy to advise that I am now PMI-ACP qualified. Now for the long drive back from Puyallup to Issaquah. Best," Was the exam easier or more difficult than you expected? " . . . it was not easier than I expected, but also not super-tough either. Happy that I spent so much time on the quizzes - they helped a lot. Thanks again to you and Mo, have a great weekend." - Elwyn O, PMI-ACP - passed 2-17-17
"I just finished my exam today with a pass (with a mix of Moderately Proficients and Proficient results), and I was able to do it with a concussion (which I received from hockey a week ago). The exam was pretty basic, which I had no complaints. (Note: it took like 7 days to be approved to take the exam, just in case you guys are capturing some metrics). Thanks again for the great class." Christian M., PMI-ACP - passed 2-2-17
"Hi Nereda/Mo,
Great news to share! I passed the ACP exam today. Can you please email me the PMP quiz links at your earliest convenience?" Cynthia Q. PMI-ACP - passed 2-1-17
"Just passed the ACP test. . .Thanks Mo/Nereda - The training, quizzes, and additional email conversations were highly effective and appreciated. Thanks for your support. Thanks," Erik O. PMI-ACP
"I passed!!!:)" "Thank you for all of your guidance and assistance." - Stacy B., PMI-ACP - passed 10-8-16, finished training 10-2-16
"Thanks for the email. That is really nice of Mo! I actually took and passed the exam yesterday so am all set. Thanks again!" Sasha L, PMI-ACP - passed 9/6/16
"Nereda and Mo,
Passed the ACP. Thanks a lot. 75% were 'what should be done (next)' questions." - Ramana M-R., PMI-ACP - passed 8-29/16
"PASSED!!! Woo-hoo! Nereda and Mom, thanks for your support. I could hear Mo's voice saying 'what will you do?'" - Donna, B., PMI-ACP - passed 7-27-16
"I passed :)" What was the most valuable preparation for you? "The practice tests are always the most helpful." - Amy H., PMI-ACP - passed 7/8/16
"The most beneficial was the time spent in the classroom. Having two students in the class probably helped as well. I scheduled the first available timeslot available after receiving PMI’s email notification to proceed. From the online quizzes, I was scoring in the 70 percent range. The exam however seemed easier than the online quizzes. Overall, scored competent in two domains and moderately competent for the rest. Please pass my thanks and gratitude to Mo." Darek K. PMI-ACP - passed 6-14-16
"Hi Nereda/Mo,
I passed the ACP exam today 😊 Thank You, Regards," - Sumana S, PMI-ACP - passed 6-12-16
"Passed! Thanks for your support! Test was 90% fuzzy." Price T., PMI-ACP - passed 4-27-16
"Hi Nereda -
Just want to let you and Mo know that I passed my PMI-ACP exam this morning. Thanks for preparing me!" - Charlie M., PMI-ACP - passed 4-21-16
"Hello everyone! This morning, I successfully passed my Project Management Institute certifications as an Agile Certified Practitioner.
The last month has been so wild, and there is much more to be done, but I'm thankful to God that I passed the exam this morning.
Special thanks to Nereda and Mo Haque, who NEVER let me give up, even after the ankle break and whose training enabled me to pass the exam. Also to my friend Charity who drove me in and WAITED for me during a 2 hour test. She's amazing! And of course so much thanks to Reiko who encouraged me and has done more than her share.
This whole experience has taught me a lot and I'm grateful to each and every one of you for your support. On to the PMP!!!! Nancy :)" - Nancy U.,PMI-ACP - passed 4-2-16
"Passed. Headed back to Seattle." Jeff C., PMI-ACP - passed 7/14/15
"Passed :) Thank you for all your help!" Astra W, PMI-ACP - passed 7/14/15
"Congratulations to Robert E., PMI-ACP who just passed his second PMI Certification with in the last couple of weeks! Passed 7-14-15
"Congratulations to Usha and Jai who both passed today." 7-12-15
"Thank you for checking in. I appreciate that. And I HAVE GOOD NEWS!!! I took the test today and passed. Take care and give my regards to Mo." Nirav P., PMI-ACP - passed 7-9-15
"Hello Nereda,
Thank you for checking in. I took my exam this morning and I passed. Thanks for all you and Mo's help!" Vincent H., PMI-ACP
"You are an excellent teacher and I truly appreciate the enthusiasm you bring to class. Thank you again." - C.S.,PMI-ACP - one exam down and 2 to go.
"Passed! See you next week." - Coby S., PMI-ACP - passed 6-18-15 PMI-ACP Exam: "Passed! See you next week." - Coby S., PMI-ACP - passed 6-18-15 PMI-ACP Exam: "I passed!" Ken B., PMI-ACP - passed 6/2/15 PMI-PBA Class: "Thank you for follow up with me, I really enjoyed the class. Now I am preparing for the exam, I would like to take it on July 3rd." - R.F. PMI-ACP Exam: "I passed!" Ken B., PMI-ACP - passed 6/2/15
"Hi Nereda,
Just wanted to let you know I passed the exam today ("Proficient" in both domains)! Thanks for all your help!" Karin K, PMI-ACP - passed 5/7/15
"Hi Nereda,
I passed :) Thanks!" Carrie W, PMI-ACP - passed 4-24-15
"Hi Nereda,
I have completed exam yesterday. Cleared the same." Darshan K., PMI-PMI - passed 4-23-15
PMI-ACP: Test to Mo: "I passed!" Email to Nereda: "I took a bit longer than I'd expected...I marked almost 30 questions for review. The wording of the questions made me think often...not sure what they were after. Best answer tests often have that effect on me." Robert E.,PMI-ACP - passed 4-23-15 - finished training Apr 3 – 2015
"Yippee! I passed!" Ken J., PMI-ACP - passed 4/18/15
"I passed!!!Thanks so much (Nereda) for that strategy. I went through all of the online questions and read over the large sized training aids. Thanks so much for all of the support and I will definitely be telling all of my fellow PMO colleagues all about my success with taking your class. We have several different service offerings (Portfolio, BAs, Change Managers, PMs, Program Managers) that could benefit from certification training as well as our junior staff. Thanks again!!!" - Margo R., PMI-ACP - passed 3-14-15 ACP Exam: "I passed!!!Thanks so much (Nereda) for that strategy. I went through all of the online questions and read over the large sized training aids. Thanks so much for all of the support and I will definitely be telling all of my fellow PMO colleagues all about my success with taking your class. We have several different service offerings (Portfolio, BAs, Change Managers, PMs, Program Managers) that could benefit from certification training as well as our junior staff. Thanks again!!!" - Margo R., PMI-ACP - passed 3-14-15
PMI-ACP exam:"Hello Mo & Nereda,
I passed the exam today. Thank you very much & have a great week!" Kim N., PMP, PMI-ACP - passed ACP exam 10/6/14
PMI-ACP Cert "Passed it this morning." - Liz H, PMI-ACP. Passed 12/24/13. Finished training Dec 8, 2013.
"I feel as if I am very well prepared [for the PMP Exam]; the course is great...SmartPath has great offerings,..I'm thinking about taking the ACP course next year...I am so glad I found this course, great value for the money - Jeff (instructor - WA) was fantastic!:)" J.G.
"Most of my team has been through CSM training, which at least has helped them understand the process. I did mine in April, since I was told to go, but I think I got a better overall understanding from this course (PMI-ACP Certification with Prep), because nothing but Scrum is discussed (in CSM) and that does not work for all teams. I know people look for it, like the PMP, but I think that is primarily because that's [a]recruiter code for agile, not because they understand it." Liz H.,PMI-ACP - Passed 12-24-13
PMI-ACP Cert: "Well, I passed today, but with only Moderately Proficient in both categories, which is to be expected I guess as I still have a lot to learn in application of agile. . . The practice exams were pretty close to the actual test. But there were definitely some tricky questions. . .Thanks for your help in the prep." Bryan N, PMP, PMI-ACP - Finished training, December 8. Passed 12/13/13
PMI-ACP Cert "Passed it this morning." - Liz H, PMI-ACP. Passed 12/24/13. Finished training Dec 8, 2013.
PMI-ACP: "Afternoon Nereda,
Hope you are well. I passed earlier this afternoon so I’m quite pleased (and ready for a nap!). Thank you to you and Mo for a great class, it is much appreciated. I’m sure you will be hearing from me again as now I have to deal with continuing education credits!" Angela B., PMP, PMI-ACP® - 7-29-13. Finished training 7/26/13
PMI-ACP Exam: "Hello Mo,
Well good news is I passed." Stephen C., PMI-ACP - Passed 6-5-13. Finished training May 14, 2013.
PMI-ACP® Exam: "The exam was heavily focused on Scrum and XP. As you said during the class, if you know the principles and the manifesto, you should pass. As I answered the questions, I chose the best options that fit the principles and the manifesto." Michael R., PMP, PMI-ACP Passed April 19, 2013. Finished training on April 2. This class has more memorization than the preparation for the PMP® Exam. Excellent work.