SmartPath LLC Provides a Comprehensive PMP(R) Training Content, Material & Tools Package

PMP Certification with Exam Prep Training Content, Material & Learning Tools for the Exam that started 1-2-2021. See all 4-day or Two Weekend PMP® Certification with Exam Prep training by simply clicking on the down arrow schedules and purchase URL. Retraining Loyalty is available for PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA classes. They are shown under their headings.
Changes on this page were updated 3/14/2024.
SmartPath LLC Badge: SmartPath LLC is a PMI(R) Authorized Training Partner (A.T.P)
Expert Instructor: Mo Haque, MSEE, PMP PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, CMfgT, EDMP. PMI(R) Authorized Partner Instructor Qualifications: Verify all.
Mo Haque's experience. Mo Haque is a highly experienced instructor.
SmartPath LLC Provides a Comprehensive PMP(R) Training Materials & Tools Package
A. PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep Course Version 3 - Student Workbook Digital: Our Class Slides are provided by the Project Management Institute, Inc. through Logical Operations. About the PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep Course Version 3 - Student Workbook Digital: This content was produced by PMI)R) in order to develop high quality PMP exam-focused training. Definitions are included. Class slides are through the content. The Prep book is ordered by SmartPath LLC through Logical Operations (LO) for you. his content is provided in digital only and it's included in the training price. If you purchase your class by 10 AM applicable to the Eastern Time Zone, then you should receive your access code to download your digital book by the next day, and if you ordered later in the day, then it should be within two business days. Please keep a lookout for Logical Operations emails, and check your spam often.
B. Supplemental Content - Workflows are provided in Digital format for Live Online Training: These workflows provide visibility and enhance your learning for the exam through providing additional exam visibility, filling in some fundamentals, and providing project implementation visibility.
Workflows' descriptions:
Workflows for PMP(R) Exam are based on IBP (Industry Best Practices) & ECO (Exam Content Outline). You can download these and you are allowed to print them for your use personal at home or work
I. Operations and Project Environment
2. Project Inception and Governance Framework (PM Framework)
3. Managing a Project Using One (1) of Five (5) Different Methodologies
4. Framework for Managing an Adaptive Project Lifecycle
5. Framework for Managing a Predictive
6. Sequential Flow of PM Processes
7. Integration Planning and Management
8. Scope Planning and Management
9. Schedule Planning and Management
10. Budget & Resource Planning and Management
11 Quality Planning and Management
12. Communications & Stakeholder Planning and Management
13. Risk Planning and Management
14. Procurement Planning and Management
15. Team Planning and Management
C.1. Practice Exam Quizzes A to L The cloned exam questions are so vital to your exam results, that we called them the "must-do" quizzes. Must of our trainees only need to focuses on these. Quizzes A to L should be studied where fundamental knowledge needs more attention. These questions are vital to your understanding of project management fundamentals and foundations, which you should understand before taking the PMP(R) Exam. See Z below for composite of almost 300 Cloned Exam Questions. See C.2 for cloned exam questions 1 to 3. They are in a composite form under Quiz Z.
1. Quiz A. Project Management Processes
2. Quiz B. Project Management Concepts
3. Quiz C. Project Management Agile Concepts
4. Quiz D. Project Management Mixed Fuzzy - 1
5. Quiz E. Project Management - People, Teams, & Mixed
6. Quiz F. Project Management - Plan & Manage
7. Quiz G. Project Management Combined Domains
8. Quiz H. Project Management Mixed Fuzzy - 2
9. Quiz I. Integration, Communications, and Stakeholders
7. Quiz J. Scope, Time, and Cost
8. Quiz K. Quality, Resource, Risk, and Procurement
9. Quiz L. Change Requests, Roles & Responsibilities, and Code of Conduct 10. Quiz Z. Composite of almost 300 Cloned Exam Questions. For those who want to practice them as a whole.
C.2 . Must-Do Quizzes, 1 to 3 or also in the Z quiz shown above - Cloned exam questions from the exam: These depict 3 separate areas of questioning - Predictive, Agile, and Hybrid.
1. Quiz 1. Agile Project Management: Scenario-based agile project management quiz deals with agile methodology. The questions are related to the agile concepts and their applications. An agile project management methodology is an unplanned iterative software development approach. This approach is suitable for IT software where fast pace of change can be accommodated without waste. These questions represent similarities that may appear in the real PMP certification exam.
1. Quiz 2. Hybrid Project Management: Scenario-based hybrid project management quiz deals with hybrid methodology. The hybrid approach is managed when a planned project for hardware and an unplanned portion for related software development are combined. The questions are related to the hybrid concepts and their applications. These questions represent similarities that may appear in the real PMP certification exam.
1. Quiz 3. Predictive Project Management: Scenario-based quiz dealing with predictive project management. The predictive approach is also known as traditional and waterfall. This is the most prevailing project management methodology. Almost ninety percent of the real-life projects are predictive, since no one wants to invest money without understanding it’s return on investment. Hence, a plan is created to protect the investment, manage and control the scope, schedule, and cost. The predictive methodology of managing a project mitigates the risks of failure, better than any other methodology. A predictive methodology can be done in shorter phases. The phased approach gives predictive methodology additional advantages of being iterative and incremental; therefore, implementing agility in the project management. The questions are related to the traditional concepts and their applications. These questions represent similarities that may appear in the real PMP certification exam.
Changes on this page were updated 3/14/2024.
SmartPath LLC Badge: SmartPath LLC is a PMI(R) Authorized Training Partner (A.T.P)
Expert Instructor: Mo Haque, MSEE, PMP PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, CMfgT, EDMP. PMI(R) Authorized Partner Instructor Qualifications: Verify all.
Mo Haque's experience. Mo Haque is a highly experienced instructor.
A. PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep Course Version 3 - Student Workbook Digital: Our Class Slides are provided by the Project Management Institute, Inc. through Logical Operations. About the PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep Course Version 3 - Student Workbook Digital: This content was produced by PMI)R) in order to develop high quality PMP exam-focused training. Definitions are included. Class slides are through the content. The Prep book is ordered by SmartPath LLC through Logical Operations (LO) for you. his content is provided in digital only and it's included in the training price. If you purchase your class by 10 AM applicable to the Eastern Time Zone, then you should receive your access code to download your digital book by the next day, and if you ordered later in the day, then it should be within two business days. Please keep a lookout for Logical Operations emails, and check your spam often.
B. Supplemental Content - Workflows are provided in Digital format for Live Online Training: These workflows provide visibility and enhance your learning for the exam through providing additional exam visibility, filling in some fundamentals, and providing project implementation visibility.
Workflows' descriptions:
Workflows for PMP(R) Exam are based on IBP (Industry Best Practices) & ECO (Exam Content Outline). You can download these and you are allowed to print them for your use personal at home or work
I. Operations and Project Environment
2. Project Inception and Governance Framework (PM Framework)
3. Managing a Project Using One (1) of Five (5) Different Methodologies
4. Framework for Managing an Adaptive Project Lifecycle
5. Framework for Managing a Predictive
6. Sequential Flow of PM Processes
7. Integration Planning and Management
8. Scope Planning and Management
9. Schedule Planning and Management
10. Budget & Resource Planning and Management
11 Quality Planning and Management
12. Communications & Stakeholder Planning and Management
13. Risk Planning and Management
14. Procurement Planning and Management
15. Team Planning and Management
C.1. Practice Exam Quizzes A to L The cloned exam questions are so vital to your exam results, that we called them the "must-do" quizzes. Must of our trainees only need to focuses on these. Quizzes A to L should be studied where fundamental knowledge needs more attention. These questions are vital to your understanding of project management fundamentals and foundations, which you should understand before taking the PMP(R) Exam. See Z below for composite of almost 300 Cloned Exam Questions. See C.2 for cloned exam questions 1 to 3. They are in a composite form under Quiz Z.
1. Quiz A. Project Management Processes
2. Quiz B. Project Management Concepts
3. Quiz C. Project Management Agile Concepts
4. Quiz D. Project Management Mixed Fuzzy - 1
5. Quiz E. Project Management - People, Teams, & Mixed
6. Quiz F. Project Management - Plan & Manage
7. Quiz G. Project Management Combined Domains
8. Quiz H. Project Management Mixed Fuzzy - 2
9. Quiz I. Integration, Communications, and Stakeholders
7. Quiz J. Scope, Time, and Cost
8. Quiz K. Quality, Resource, Risk, and Procurement
9. Quiz L. Change Requests, Roles & Responsibilities, and Code of Conduct 10. Quiz Z. Composite of almost 300 Cloned Exam Questions. For those who want to practice them as a whole.
C.2 . Must-Do Quizzes, 1 to 3 or also in the Z quiz shown above - Cloned exam questions from the exam: These depict 3 separate areas of questioning - Predictive, Agile, and Hybrid.
1. Quiz 1. Agile Project Management: Scenario-based agile project management quiz deals with agile methodology. The questions are related to the agile concepts and their applications. An agile project management methodology is an unplanned iterative software development approach. This approach is suitable for IT software where fast pace of change can be accommodated without waste. These questions represent similarities that may appear in the real PMP certification exam.
1. Quiz 2. Hybrid Project Management: Scenario-based hybrid project management quiz deals with hybrid methodology. The hybrid approach is managed when a planned project for hardware and an unplanned portion for related software development are combined. The questions are related to the hybrid concepts and their applications. These questions represent similarities that may appear in the real PMP certification exam.
1. Quiz 3. Predictive Project Management: Scenario-based quiz dealing with predictive project management. The predictive approach is also known as traditional and waterfall. This is the most prevailing project management methodology. Almost ninety percent of the real-life projects are predictive, since no one wants to invest money without understanding it’s return on investment. Hence, a plan is created to protect the investment, manage and control the scope, schedule, and cost. The predictive methodology of managing a project mitigates the risks of failure, better than any other methodology. A predictive methodology can be done in shorter phases. The phased approach gives predictive methodology additional advantages of being iterative and incremental; therefore, implementing agility in the project management. The questions are related to the traditional concepts and their applications. These questions represent similarities that may appear in the real PMP certification exam.