Why Do You Need Custom Processes Modeled for Your Organization?

Contact: Nereda Haque, PMP at neredahaque@smartpathllc.com or 360-584-8614.
Why Do Enterprise Process Modeling?
In today’s world, it is becoming more and more difficult to connect the information being created or consumed by individuals in an enterprise. It has become equally treacherous for IT people and business management teams to interconnect information created on the systems for the business. This new paradigm is becoming very challenging to manage information flow. People do not know that the problem exists as deep as it does but they are baffled and bewildered by their frustrations. There is a solution to solve this frustration in a methodological way. This is known as enterprise architecture modeling where a BIG picture emerges with every aspect of the “woolly mammoth” if I may use this analogy.
In enterprise architecture modeling one can clearly delineate information created by one entity and consumed by another such as business process architecture may define processes, activities, and workflows that will be consumed by the software developers to create the business application.
By sequentially structuring models by one entity enables other consumers to access, collaborate, and reuse the metadata in a very efficient manner. Enterprise architecture modeling substantially saves millions of dollars in application design, development and operations.
In many business scenarios we found the application development time was reduced by almost 50%. Business-driven strategy models could be used by operations. However, this re-use of data is not visible by people in business or IT. They try to connect, however, the visible form is not apparent. By using structured architecture modeling, the data created in strategy can seamlessly be consumed/reused by operations. In my experience, one company “X”, created a strategy to increase annual sales by 10%. But this strategy and the capabilities of operations were never connected and the teams struggled to make each other understand how to achieve the goals set by the strategy. At the same time each department was recreating the information which was already developed by the strategy team. Hence the efficiency was never gained and eventually only a few percentage of increase in sales was gobbled up by inefficiencies (cost) in the overall process. This is an example of not sharing the process data created by strategy and consumed by the operations.
A few months later, we took another department and revamped the same strategy using enterprise architecture modeling. The whole information flow became very clear to each team and we were able to reduce the inefficiencies and gained sales above the target set by strategies without waste.
Advantages of EAM or Process Modeling
(1) End-To-End Enterprise view
(2) Strategy to Operation
(3) Transparent Business Acumen
(4) Goals, Capabilities, Metrics, etc
(5) Multiple Layers & Views
(6) Domains, Processes, Workflows, Activities
(7) Exposed enterprise Structure
(8) Organization, Locations, Systems, Influence, etc
(9) Every Stakeholder Represented
(10)Business, IT, Portfolio, Technology, Application and Governance
Benefits of Enterprise Architecture Modeling (EAM)
(1) Captures and protects business intellectual property
How business functions (processes), interacts (communications and information flow) and operates (systems, applications and technologies)
(2) Easy shuffle of skills and trade All jobs and activates are documented Training is easy since all processes, applications and systems are available in writing
(3) Reduce costs and increase efficiency Processes are exposed and known to all
Re-use objects, artifacts and documents
(4) Accelerate time to market Integration between business and IT is transparent
Ensure right system is built
Technologies, systems and platforms are known
All projects are aware of adjacent projects
EAM Modeling Deliverables
Models and Object definitions from each EA Knowledge area (A few Examples - See the workflows for more details)
(1) Business Acumen - Strategy, Goals, Capabilities, Opportunities
(2) Business Process Architecture Processes, Workflows
(3) Application Architecture User Interfaces
(4) Technology Architecture Platforms
(5) Portfolio Architecture Requirements, Projects, Plan and Deployment
(6) IT Acumen Use Cases, Systems and Operations
The EAM Outputs
EAM high-level message:
(1) Business Acumen
A plan of action to achieve a particular goal
(2) Business Process Architecture
The activities to achieve business results
(3) Application Architecture
Point of interaction between a user and an application
(4) Technology Architecture
A set of related technologies to enable application execution
(5) Portfolio Architecture
Requirements, Projects, Plan and Deployment
(6) IT Acumen
Use Cases, Systems and Operations
PMP DC; or PMP DC; PMP Bellevue, WA ; or PMP Live Online; or Agile PMI-ACP Class or Business Analysis">, PMI-PBA Class or Program Management, PgMP Certification class
The above represents Project Management Certification Training and Related Training
Why Do Enterprise Process Modeling?
In today’s world, it is becoming more and more difficult to connect the information being created or consumed by individuals in an enterprise. It has become equally treacherous for IT people and business management teams to interconnect information created on the systems for the business. This new paradigm is becoming very challenging to manage information flow. People do not know that the problem exists as deep as it does but they are baffled and bewildered by their frustrations. There is a solution to solve this frustration in a methodological way. This is known as enterprise architecture modeling where a BIG picture emerges with every aspect of the “woolly mammoth” if I may use this analogy.
In enterprise architecture modeling one can clearly delineate information created by one entity and consumed by another such as business process architecture may define processes, activities, and workflows that will be consumed by the software developers to create the business application.
By sequentially structuring models by one entity enables other consumers to access, collaborate, and reuse the metadata in a very efficient manner. Enterprise architecture modeling substantially saves millions of dollars in application design, development and operations.
In many business scenarios we found the application development time was reduced by almost 50%. Business-driven strategy models could be used by operations. However, this re-use of data is not visible by people in business or IT. They try to connect, however, the visible form is not apparent. By using structured architecture modeling, the data created in strategy can seamlessly be consumed/reused by operations. In my experience, one company “X”, created a strategy to increase annual sales by 10%. But this strategy and the capabilities of operations were never connected and the teams struggled to make each other understand how to achieve the goals set by the strategy. At the same time each department was recreating the information which was already developed by the strategy team. Hence the efficiency was never gained and eventually only a few percentage of increase in sales was gobbled up by inefficiencies (cost) in the overall process. This is an example of not sharing the process data created by strategy and consumed by the operations.
A few months later, we took another department and revamped the same strategy using enterprise architecture modeling. The whole information flow became very clear to each team and we were able to reduce the inefficiencies and gained sales above the target set by strategies without waste.
Advantages of EAM or Process Modeling
(1) End-To-End Enterprise view
(2) Strategy to Operation
(3) Transparent Business Acumen
(4) Goals, Capabilities, Metrics, etc
(5) Multiple Layers & Views
(6) Domains, Processes, Workflows, Activities
(7) Exposed enterprise Structure
(8) Organization, Locations, Systems, Influence, etc
(9) Every Stakeholder Represented
(10)Business, IT, Portfolio, Technology, Application and Governance
Benefits of Enterprise Architecture Modeling (EAM)
(1) Captures and protects business intellectual property
How business functions (processes), interacts (communications and information flow) and operates (systems, applications and technologies)
(2) Easy shuffle of skills and trade All jobs and activates are documented Training is easy since all processes, applications and systems are available in writing
(3) Reduce costs and increase efficiency Processes are exposed and known to all
Re-use objects, artifacts and documents
(4) Accelerate time to market Integration between business and IT is transparent
Ensure right system is built
Technologies, systems and platforms are known
All projects are aware of adjacent projects
EAM Modeling Deliverables
Models and Object definitions from each EA Knowledge area (A few Examples - See the workflows for more details)
(1) Business Acumen - Strategy, Goals, Capabilities, Opportunities
(2) Business Process Architecture Processes, Workflows
(3) Application Architecture User Interfaces
(4) Technology Architecture Platforms
(5) Portfolio Architecture Requirements, Projects, Plan and Deployment
(6) IT Acumen Use Cases, Systems and Operations
The EAM Outputs
EAM high-level message:
(1) Business Acumen
A plan of action to achieve a particular goal
(2) Business Process Architecture
The activities to achieve business results
(3) Application Architecture
Point of interaction between a user and an application
(4) Technology Architecture
A set of related technologies to enable application execution
(5) Portfolio Architecture
Requirements, Projects, Plan and Deployment
(6) IT Acumen
Use Cases, Systems and Operations
PMP DC; or PMP DC; PMP Bellevue, WA ; or PMP Live Online; or Agile PMI-ACP Class or Business Analysis">, PMI-PBA Class or Program Management, PgMP Certification class
The above represents Project Management Certification Training and Related Training