Why SmartPath LLC's PMP® Certification Training & PMP Exam Prep is So Successful & How It Works
Why is SmartPath LLC’s Program so successful and how it works?
Updated 3/26/181. There's No Prior Prep: You are busy and have limited time. There are no prior reading or assignment exercises. No book purchases. You will get everything you need to pass in class. You already bring your experience to class. This helps you get PMP® Exam approval. We suggest you bring a notebook so you don't need to write on your workbook. In class, you will receive everything you need to pass the PMP Exam. If you have already done your Prep, then you can take the Exam anytime after the last day of class! If you are pre-approved and have lots of gaps in your project management experience, then take a few days extra to submerge yourself in the materials. We don't require anyone to take the Exam the next day, although people do it. We say, do it when you are comfortable! This way you can pass the first time! No need to do it twice! Best Exam plan is not to delay too much - 1-2 weeks max! Do it while the information is "fresh" for you! If you have many gaps and just want to firm things up, then by all means take an extra week. In our experience, people get derailed when they leave it too long. You are exam-focused trained from day one.
2. Exam Approvals & Your Experience Submission: (If you are already approved to take the Exam, you will skip this step.) In class we will go over filling in the PMI's template online, and you will be encouraged to finish the template before training is over so you can save it as a PDF and email it to neredahaque@smartpathllc.com so we can review it for you.
3. Understand First. There's only 4 or 5 Days of Class or 3 days if you took the shorter 3 day program. (All class work is the same - just different venues such has 3 days plus an Online (non-live) portion, or 4 or 5 days of training, or sometimes we offer evenings or part evenings & part weekends.) The class work is 35 hours onsite or Live Online for 4 or 5 day training.
4. Combination of Memory & Understanding: As you understand the concepts, the memory work will seem much easier. You will do "memory work" in class because of the many reiterations; however most will deliberately memorized but an effort to understand. And if you have a lot of formal experience and understanding already, you may be able to "pick" out the correct answers on the Exam. We will teach you the "how." Look over the memory portion every evening after class in your put and / or practice online. See where the Outputs become inputs to processes in other Knowledge Areas.
5. A. If you are not already approved to take the Exam, you will submit your experience, education, and report your Exam Prep training to the PMI’s website Exam application to receive their approval for you to sit the Exam as soon as your training is finished. If you have the required experience and required education, and have fulfilled the 35 formal contact hours of training which we provide, then it usually takes 3 to 5 days for Exam approval.
B. If you are already approved, then take the Exam as soon as possible following the The PMP Exam Prep Training. However allowing up to 10 days is okay too. Do what's right for you.
6. So schedule your Exam 8 to 20 days out after class if you are mostly up-to-date with best practices, depending on your comfort level, the number of gaps you feel you have at the end of training, and depending on whether or not you have finished practice Quizzes A to L. Practicing exam questions and exercises are very important.
7. Take the Exam. And you are done!
All PMP Options in DC, WA classrooms or Live Online
✓ In Classroom Washington DC: : Details here
✓ In Classroom Washington DC: : Details here
✓ In Classroom Bellevue-Seattle WA: Details here
✓ 100% Live Online PMP Live Online: Details here
✓ If you did not pass the PMP Exam with a competitor: Details here
✓ Retraining for SmartPath LLC's trainees whose 6 months have expired Details here or
✓ Prior SmartPath LLC trainees can Select day/days from $150 via Live Online
✓ Federal Government Pricing Plus inc. Exam: Click here
✓ Federal Government Pricing - No Exam: Click here
✓ Other Government Agency Pricing: Click here