How to practice for the PMP® Exam
What makes your training excellent? From the trainee standpoint, how can you make the most of your training?
Keep up with the learning and exercises daily.
Do your best to understand what you are learning.
Don't try to memorize anything at the beginning, however, do memorize your formulas, a few memory joggers, and acronyms before taking the PMP exam. Cover the review section that you did on day 4, and check off the areas that you understand.
Go over the Exam practice questions that you did each day in class and try to prove every answer wrong until you can't, then you have the best answer.
Do SmartPath LLC's 7 iteration exercise for Process 1 to 55 exercise, whatever is your habit of reference starting on day 1, and continuing after the last day
Start your online quizzes on the third day - not to rote learn as this won't help you in the PMP exam - but take the time to look up anything you don't understand if you don't get the reasoning, and make it a learning opportunity. Otherwise, do a question, understand it if you got it from the provided reasoning, and move on to the next question.
Practice all questions and fulfill all activities to keep your pass guarantee unless you want to take longer than 30 days to take the Exam. SmartPath LLC pays for the third exam if you need it based primarily on finishing your first exam and all online exam practice within 30 days. If you fail the first time you are required to retake the online quiz practice. See all other compliance and details for the pass guarantee.
Take advantage of resitting - it's easy to miss understanding the concepts when you are busy taking notes - so next time listen only and actively participate in the discussion
Schedule your exam as soon as you are approved - so you have a goal to reach, and so you will eliminate procrastination.
If you have failed before with another company, and you are reading this because you are wondering why, it may be beneficial to take a little extra time to learn at a slower rate and understand every area thoroughly so can identify what you didn't understand enough to pass before. People who come to our classes from other companies, and have failed, usually didn't get enough information in their class in order to pass the PMP Exam, and usually did not have interactive or simulated questions to help them hone their PMP exam taking stills.
Summary: Two reasons why most people fail with another company:
(a) The former company did not cover all of the information you needed - often a major reason. If this is the reason there's nothing like having the right training, best instructors, best preparation exercises, and best quiz practice that SmartPath LLC offers.
(b) You needed more analytical help and it was not provided - also common. Some companies don't understand that knowledge and understanding are not enough. They need to teach trainees how to apply it: Start with Quiz A and do them in order as they are built on each other. Once you have these under raps, then do the rest. Also finish all prep exercises in pmWorkbook. These will provide both reasoning and visibility, and study all workflows and the illustrations in your book.
Trainees who rote learn, and those who create flash cards to memorize excessively because they are fearful of the failing, will not be successful passing the PMP exam. These same trainees will be successful resitting if necessary, following our instructions and taking a little longer to pass, and doing a lot of practice.
Send your questions to your coaches so you get them answered while studying. At SmartPath LLC you can email us or call us anytime during your training window. All emails go to Nereda Haque, PMP monitors all requests and distributes them between herself and Mo Haque, PMP. All SmartPath LLC trainees have access to coaching while training.
Keep up with the learning and exercises daily.
Do your best to understand what you are learning.
Don't try to memorize anything at the beginning, however, do memorize your formulas, a few memory joggers, and acronyms before taking the PMP exam. Cover the review section that you did on day 4, and check off the areas that you understand.
Go over the Exam practice questions that you did each day in class and try to prove every answer wrong until you can't, then you have the best answer.
Do SmartPath LLC's 7 iteration exercise for Process 1 to 55 exercise, whatever is your habit of reference starting on day 1, and continuing after the last day
Start your online quizzes on the third day - not to rote learn as this won't help you in the PMP exam - but take the time to look up anything you don't understand if you don't get the reasoning, and make it a learning opportunity. Otherwise, do a question, understand it if you got it from the provided reasoning, and move on to the next question.
Practice all questions and fulfill all activities to keep your pass guarantee unless you want to take longer than 30 days to take the Exam. SmartPath LLC pays for the third exam if you need it based primarily on finishing your first exam and all online exam practice within 30 days. If you fail the first time you are required to retake the online quiz practice. See all other compliance and details for the pass guarantee.
Take advantage of resitting - it's easy to miss understanding the concepts when you are busy taking notes - so next time listen only and actively participate in the discussion
Schedule your exam as soon as you are approved - so you have a goal to reach, and so you will eliminate procrastination.
If you have failed before with another company, and you are reading this because you are wondering why, it may be beneficial to take a little extra time to learn at a slower rate and understand every area thoroughly so can identify what you didn't understand enough to pass before. People who come to our classes from other companies, and have failed, usually didn't get enough information in their class in order to pass the PMP Exam, and usually did not have interactive or simulated questions to help them hone their PMP exam taking stills.
Summary: Two reasons why most people fail with another company:
(a) The former company did not cover all of the information you needed - often a major reason. If this is the reason there's nothing like having the right training, best instructors, best preparation exercises, and best quiz practice that SmartPath LLC offers.
(b) You needed more analytical help and it was not provided - also common. Some companies don't understand that knowledge and understanding are not enough. They need to teach trainees how to apply it: Start with Quiz A and do them in order as they are built on each other. Once you have these under raps, then do the rest. Also finish all prep exercises in pmWorkbook. These will provide both reasoning and visibility, and study all workflows and the illustrations in your book.
Trainees who rote learn, and those who create flash cards to memorize excessively because they are fearful of the failing, will not be successful passing the PMP exam. These same trainees will be successful resitting if necessary, following our instructions and taking a little longer to pass, and doing a lot of practice.
Send your questions to your coaches so you get them answered while studying. At SmartPath LLC you can email us or call us anytime during your training window. All emails go to Nereda Haque, PMP monitors all requests and distributes them between herself and Mo Haque, PMP. All SmartPath LLC trainees have access to coaching while training.