Maintaining your PMP(R) Credential
Project Management Training
Best page to see all available PDU training: click here
Maintaining your PMP® Credential. PMP Credential maintenance is very important. You need 60 hours of training every 3 years and / or volunteer work etc. See the PMP Handbook on for complete details. Select PMP Handbook and download it. Here you will find ideas and important information. There is now a CCR handbook. You should have that also.
Starting Dec 1, 2015 you will need these minimally 8 hours of Technical training related to technical PMP related knowledge, 8 hours of Strategic knowledge and 8 hours of leadership during each 3 year period of PDU reporting. You have flexibility with the other 36 hours of training. See your CCR and PMP handbook for details.
Best page to see all available PDU training: click here
Maintaining your PMP® Credential. PMP Credential maintenance is very important. You need 60 hours of training every 3 years and / or volunteer work etc. See the PMP Handbook on for complete details. Select PMP Handbook and download it. Here you will find ideas and important information. There is now a CCR handbook. You should have that also.
Starting Dec 1, 2015 you will need these minimally 8 hours of Technical training related to technical PMP related knowledge, 8 hours of Strategic knowledge and 8 hours of leadership during each 3 year period of PDU reporting. You have flexibility with the other 36 hours of training. See your CCR and PMP handbook for details.