PMI-ACP(R) Training Materials & Tools & Course Outline & Exam Distribution

SmartPath LLC’s PMI-ACP(R) Class Outline and Exam Distribution Information:
PMI-ACP Class Outline
100% of Exam Content Domains:
Mindset: 28%
Leadership: 25%
Product: 19%
Delivery: 28%
The PMI-ACP Exam Outline can be found on the Project Management Institute's web page. We suggest you download it. The exam is based on this outline which covers the 4 areas above.
You will be provided with a digital PMI Authorized PMI-ACP Exam Prep Book and PMI cloned exam questions..
PMI-ACP Class Outline
100% of Exam Content Domains:
Mindset: 28%
Leadership: 25%
Product: 19%
Delivery: 28%
The PMI-ACP Exam Outline can be found on the Project Management Institute's web page. We suggest you download it. The exam is based on this outline which covers the 4 areas above.
You will be provided with a digital PMI Authorized PMI-ACP Exam Prep Book and PMI cloned exam questions..