Project Management Fundamentals from Basics to Advanced, 5 Days

Project Management Fundamentals from Basics to Advanced, built on industry best practices to achieve successful project management outcomes. This class is always customized to the class objectives as well as your industry. This is a fundamental basics to advanced project management in that it deals with network diagrams and project management math in detail according to your organizational proposal's requirement.
This class is available for your organization 100% Live Online or Onsite at your location or a suitable location in MI, WA or DC. We customize the project examples to match your industry, your training objectives, and we support questions from your trainees for up to 30 days post class..
SmartPath LLC’s PMI® Badge can be verified: SmartPath LLC is a PMI(R) Authorized Training Partner (A.T.P), # 3441 .
Please call or text Nereda Haque, PMP for all questions on training at 360-584-8614 or email her.
Very Experienced Instructor: Mo Haque, MSEE, PMP PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, CMfgT, EDMP. PMI(R) Authorized Partner Instructor Qualifications:Verify all Mo’s badges. See Mo Haque's experience.
An updated outline will appear here shortly.
See all Project Management Skills Training
This class is available for your organization 100% Live Online or Onsite at your location or a suitable location in MI, WA or DC. We customize the project examples to match your industry, your training objectives, and we support questions from your trainees for up to 30 days post class..
SmartPath LLC’s PMI® Badge can be verified: SmartPath LLC is a PMI(R) Authorized Training Partner (A.T.P), # 3441 .
Please call or text Nereda Haque, PMP for all questions on training at 360-584-8614 or email her.
Very Experienced Instructor: Mo Haque, MSEE, PMP PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, CMfgT, EDMP. PMI(R) Authorized Partner Instructor Qualifications:Verify all Mo’s badges. See Mo Haque's experience.
An updated outline will appear here shortly.
See all Project Management Skills Training