What drives passing in any PMP® Exam

So what drives passing the PMP® Exam: right knowledge + understanding + applying your understanding = Success. However, it's not quite that simple. We really concur that having an instructor with a lot of tacit and explicit knowledge goes a long way to helping the trainee apply concepts to practice and / or exam questions.
Exam questions are psychometric. They measure your ability to analyze and how you analyze. If you analyze the way the tests wants you to, you are considered worthy of PMP Certification. The types of questions you pass show your ability to get the point. Can you be thrown tricky questions and still answer them? Can you answer short, vague, fuzzy questions or long, verbose questions - all situational perhaps, or can you understand how to calculate or analyze math questions or answer based on information you see on graphs? How are your analytical skills? It makes it easier to answer all kinds of questions if you have practiced all types of questions. Will you get all types in the Exam? Maybe, maybe not. Every exam is different.
Just because your friend passed, doesn't make your friend an expert of what you will get in the exam. Don't try to shortcut your knowledge by honing into her or his exam notes. Does your training cover the knowledge content? Do you understand what you have learned? And have you tested your understanding by practicing lots of different kinds of PMP practice questions? Interactive practice is the best way to learn. How do you react under pressure - when the PMP Exam questions seem off the wall? Will you slow down. Will you take a break! Will you allow it to make your head hurt? Be like the duck, let it slide off, take a deep breath and use the POTR method found in your pmWorkbook under "what Can go wrong in a Process?"
Remember, there is no such thing as practicing former PMP exam questions. No REP has access to them. Neither do you. If you practice, you will get the exam done in time; if you don't you might run out of time. It's unlikely that you will pass if you run out of time.
In Summary: Practice. Practice only has meaning if you apply what you understand so learning by rote or memory, or making flash cards will not help you. For OTTIs + R associate your learning to the process and understand the process group you are in while you are learning.
1. At SmartPath LLC your trainer is a Pro. The trainers have many years of project experience as well as training teams in project management best practices:
PMP® training is very important. Learning from a Pro is even more important. All of our trainees are PMP® Credential holders, and have gone through SmartPath LLC's rigorous training program. You really need to learn from someone who has depth of experience in order to truly understand project management in order to pass the exam. SmartPath LLC project management trainers are also all seasoned, practicing project managers. SmartPath LLC’s curriculum was developed by Mo Haque, MSEE, MSEE, PMP who has spent over years training people for his large global project teams and for SmartPath LLC, as well as being a concurrent practitioner.
2. You receive project visibility:
You receive 15 workflows that picture knowledge areas and process groups, and processes as well as inputs & outputs, along with tools & techniques, in a way you can understand and learn. The roles of the project manager are also reflected on the workflows. These workflows also show the following:
• a workflow pictorial from start to finish project management - visibility helps understanding and memory
• a workflow for each knowledge areas that show all the inputs and outputs, tools & techniques and roles
• Outputs mapped to inputs processes are of high importance. These help you understand the connections between the processes. Tools & Techniques are illustrated or listed below the process as are the PM's roles.
3. You get all the materials you need to study in order to pass the exam as well a free 30-day online subscription with 2,100 mock questions to practice.
SmartPath LLC's material will cover everything you need to know to pass the PMI® exam and the quiz practice will help you apply your knowledge. The instructors will explain the knowledge. Just bring a notebook and pen to class. You will be provided pencils to take the practice exam so you can erase your answers later or you can write the answers in your notebook.
4. You get price competitive, highest quality training, as well as SmartPath LLC's guarantee. See our PMP®/CAPM® certification course work guarantee*. SmartPath LLC gives you 4 guarantees. Our pass guarantee is for a third exam payment based on compliance activities.
5. The last day of training is an exam review.
6. You can also resit the PMP training course again for FREE within 6 months from your initial first day of training onsite based on seat availability the day before the class begins for onsite trainees, or via Live Video Conference for all trainees. New materials are not issued when you resit, so bring your materials to class, neither is a new online quiz subscription provided. However, you can extend your online subscription for a fee starting at $39 for up to 15 days if you wish. Resitting the training should not be considered a substitute for studying.
7. You have a schedule conflict; you missed your flight or there was a family emergency? No problem! This is one of our guarantees. If something comes up and you need to skip a day of class you signed up for, we allow you to do this and you can take the class at another time. You don’t miss out on anything. You get all the value for your money. We just ask that you let us know ahead of time as far in advance as you can, based on the circumstances. You can also pick up this day via Live Video Conference. Rescheduling is also free.
8. Small classes for easier, more effective, more interactive learning. Usually from 6 to 15 students depending on the scheduled training room, including the number of new attendees online. If the class is too large, effective learning is not possible.
9. Formal education contact hours & other requirements: To be approved by the PMI® organization to sit for the exam you need to fulfill 35 formal contact hours of education for PMP training. Our services provide you with the certificate of completion for 37.5 contact hours. Some companies today supply less training figuring you can find some other training hours elsewhere so that you are just going to do Exam Prep without any framework. Our goal is to help you pass the PMP exam and our classes are packed full with the information you need. We don't believe that less is more.
Requirements by Project Management Institute: If you are a four year college graduate or greater you need 4500 hours of project experience, or 7500 hours if you have less than that but you have a high school diploma or equivalent. If you are a PMI® member ($129* the first time) then exam costs you $405.* If you are not a member the exam costs you $555.* The exam is taken at a Prometric Testing Center - there is one in Puyullup, and one in Mountlake Terrace in Western Washington. Go to prometric.com to see all locations. There are locations around major metropolitan areas. If you are taking the CAPM® Exam, there are more locations.
10. SmartPath LLC also offers many project management classes or related classes for which you can earn fulfill your PDU requirements by reporting training hours on the PMI® website. You will need 60 PDUs every 3 years and now you can get one hour PDUs for as low as $25 per hour.
11. You can read more on our blogs. SmartPath LLC Blog for this website or our other blog on google. If have lots of articles on our website that can enhance your knowledge.
12. Resitting a class that is instructor led will help you learn more than listening to hours of online replays. You deserve to get your questions answered. If you have done project management training before, it is likely that you will be taking your Exam quickly. Our instructors will work with you to make sure you are ready to take your Exam within 10 days or less at the end of training.
13. How to Pick the right company to get the most value.
Exam questions are psychometric. They measure your ability to analyze and how you analyze. If you analyze the way the tests wants you to, you are considered worthy of PMP Certification. The types of questions you pass show your ability to get the point. Can you be thrown tricky questions and still answer them? Can you answer short, vague, fuzzy questions or long, verbose questions - all situational perhaps, or can you understand how to calculate or analyze math questions or answer based on information you see on graphs? How are your analytical skills? It makes it easier to answer all kinds of questions if you have practiced all types of questions. Will you get all types in the Exam? Maybe, maybe not. Every exam is different.
Just because your friend passed, doesn't make your friend an expert of what you will get in the exam. Don't try to shortcut your knowledge by honing into her or his exam notes. Does your training cover the knowledge content? Do you understand what you have learned? And have you tested your understanding by practicing lots of different kinds of PMP practice questions? Interactive practice is the best way to learn. How do you react under pressure - when the PMP Exam questions seem off the wall? Will you slow down. Will you take a break! Will you allow it to make your head hurt? Be like the duck, let it slide off, take a deep breath and use the POTR method found in your pmWorkbook under "what Can go wrong in a Process?"
Remember, there is no such thing as practicing former PMP exam questions. No REP has access to them. Neither do you. If you practice, you will get the exam done in time; if you don't you might run out of time. It's unlikely that you will pass if you run out of time.
In Summary: Practice. Practice only has meaning if you apply what you understand so learning by rote or memory, or making flash cards will not help you. For OTTIs + R associate your learning to the process and understand the process group you are in while you are learning.
1. At SmartPath LLC your trainer is a Pro. The trainers have many years of project experience as well as training teams in project management best practices:
PMP® training is very important. Learning from a Pro is even more important. All of our trainees are PMP® Credential holders, and have gone through SmartPath LLC's rigorous training program. You really need to learn from someone who has depth of experience in order to truly understand project management in order to pass the exam. SmartPath LLC project management trainers are also all seasoned, practicing project managers. SmartPath LLC’s curriculum was developed by Mo Haque, MSEE, MSEE, PMP who has spent over years training people for his large global project teams and for SmartPath LLC, as well as being a concurrent practitioner.
2. You receive project visibility:
You receive 15 workflows that picture knowledge areas and process groups, and processes as well as inputs & outputs, along with tools & techniques, in a way you can understand and learn. The roles of the project manager are also reflected on the workflows. These workflows also show the following:
• a workflow pictorial from start to finish project management - visibility helps understanding and memory
• a workflow for each knowledge areas that show all the inputs and outputs, tools & techniques and roles
• Outputs mapped to inputs processes are of high importance. These help you understand the connections between the processes. Tools & Techniques are illustrated or listed below the process as are the PM's roles.
3. You get all the materials you need to study in order to pass the exam as well a free 30-day online subscription with 2,100 mock questions to practice.
SmartPath LLC's material will cover everything you need to know to pass the PMI® exam and the quiz practice will help you apply your knowledge. The instructors will explain the knowledge. Just bring a notebook and pen to class. You will be provided pencils to take the practice exam so you can erase your answers later or you can write the answers in your notebook.
4. You get price competitive, highest quality training, as well as SmartPath LLC's guarantee. See our PMP®/CAPM® certification course work guarantee*. SmartPath LLC gives you 4 guarantees. Our pass guarantee is for a third exam payment based on compliance activities.
5. The last day of training is an exam review.
6. You can also resit the PMP training course again for FREE within 6 months from your initial first day of training onsite based on seat availability the day before the class begins for onsite trainees, or via Live Video Conference for all trainees. New materials are not issued when you resit, so bring your materials to class, neither is a new online quiz subscription provided. However, you can extend your online subscription for a fee starting at $39 for up to 15 days if you wish. Resitting the training should not be considered a substitute for studying.
7. You have a schedule conflict; you missed your flight or there was a family emergency? No problem! This is one of our guarantees. If something comes up and you need to skip a day of class you signed up for, we allow you to do this and you can take the class at another time. You don’t miss out on anything. You get all the value for your money. We just ask that you let us know ahead of time as far in advance as you can, based on the circumstances. You can also pick up this day via Live Video Conference. Rescheduling is also free.
8. Small classes for easier, more effective, more interactive learning. Usually from 6 to 15 students depending on the scheduled training room, including the number of new attendees online. If the class is too large, effective learning is not possible.
9. Formal education contact hours & other requirements: To be approved by the PMI® organization to sit for the exam you need to fulfill 35 formal contact hours of education for PMP training. Our services provide you with the certificate of completion for 37.5 contact hours. Some companies today supply less training figuring you can find some other training hours elsewhere so that you are just going to do Exam Prep without any framework. Our goal is to help you pass the PMP exam and our classes are packed full with the information you need. We don't believe that less is more.
Requirements by Project Management Institute: If you are a four year college graduate or greater you need 4500 hours of project experience, or 7500 hours if you have less than that but you have a high school diploma or equivalent. If you are a PMI® member ($129* the first time) then exam costs you $405.* If you are not a member the exam costs you $555.* The exam is taken at a Prometric Testing Center - there is one in Puyullup, and one in Mountlake Terrace in Western Washington. Go to prometric.com to see all locations. There are locations around major metropolitan areas. If you are taking the CAPM® Exam, there are more locations.
10. SmartPath LLC also offers many project management classes or related classes for which you can earn fulfill your PDU requirements by reporting training hours on the PMI® website. You will need 60 PDUs every 3 years and now you can get one hour PDUs for as low as $25 per hour.
11. You can read more on our blogs. SmartPath LLC Blog for this website or our other blog on google. If have lots of articles on our website that can enhance your knowledge.
12. Resitting a class that is instructor led will help you learn more than listening to hours of online replays. You deserve to get your questions answered. If you have done project management training before, it is likely that you will be taking your Exam quickly. Our instructors will work with you to make sure you are ready to take your Exam within 10 days or less at the end of training.
13. How to Pick the right company to get the most value.