When does a SmartPath LLC class become Guaranteed-To-Run?

When does a SmartPath LLC class become Guaranteed-To-Run?
Updated 2-28-2021.
We never cancel a training that has been purchased, or one that even one person registered. You can register for free. You can register for class ahead of time by contacting us.
PMP(R) digital content may take from 2 to 3 business days to receive account set up instructions. Metropolitan areas are getting the hardcopy in about 7 to 10 business days. Out of the way places make take a little longer. If you don't receive your hardcopy in time then you can reschedule at no charge to you. If starting with your digital is okay with you, that is also good.
We never cancel a training that has been purchased, or one that even one person registered. You can register for free. You can register for class ahead of time by contacting us.
PMP(R) digital content may take from 2 to 3 business days to receive account set up instructions. Metropolitan areas are getting the hardcopy in about 7 to 10 business days. Out of the way places make take a little longer. If you don't receive your hardcopy in time then you can reschedule at no charge to you. If starting with your digital is okay with you, that is also good.