How to Pass the PMP(R) Exam - Free Seminar - Not Scheduled

How to Pass The PMP Exam, an Informative Free Seminar. This class will go forward when there are 3 or more participants. This is an exam passing strategy for SmartPath LLC's trainees. Did you know that we answer all the questions of our 4 or 5 day PMP trainees while they are preparing for their PMP Exam.
SmartPath,/a> LLC is a PMI(R) Authorized Training Partner, 3441
Mo Haque, MSEE, PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, CMfgT, EDMP is the instructor for all training. Verify Mo Haque's Authorized PMI(R) Authorized Instructor badge.
When? 8:00 PM to 9 PM Eastern Time (same as 5 PM to 6 PM Pacific Time
Dates - 2020: There are no further intended dates at this time for the current PMP exam as we offered these classes in June, July and September. We generally do these seminars when the exam is changing to help motivate them to take the exam before it does.
PMP Exam ending 12/31/2020: Project Management Professional (PMP)(R) Exam
Audience: You've been studying for the PMP Exam and you want to pass. Tell your project management friends about this class so that they can RSVP too!
Participant Advantages: Further ways to learn will be discussed during training.
Instructor: Mo Haque, MSEE, PMP, PMI-PBA, PMI-ACP, CMfgT, EDMP
RSVP: For further questions, please call Nereda Haque, PMP at 360-584-8614 (cell) or email her.
RSVP Cutoff: 4 Hours before the start of class.
What you must do to be able to attend:
a. Email
b. Supply your first and last name, and your mobile phone
d. Date you want to attend
Once you have joined the class, you will receive a class link about and hour or two before the class begins. Your class instructions are below. The dates and time are above on this page.
Step by Step Checklist on what to do before your class begins, if you need more information:
* Restart your laptop or desktop to make sure you are up to date. Do not use your phone.
* If you can’t find an email from, please check for it in your spam.
* Testing your device is automatic now when you log on. Just click on “yes.” Call Nereda Haque, PMP at 360-584-8614 if you need help
* Please use Explorer or Chrome. If there are recent updates non-Microsoft browsers may still be behind. You may also need to update your Java.
* Avoid this: If you are asked to remember the password, say no. Or put in the password each time you join.
* Click on the first long blue link that you are sent from but no sooner than 5 minutes before class begins.
* The Password will automatically fill if you don’t save it
* Select or input your email address; however, may fill in automatically
* Then a screen comes up asking you if you wish to participate * Click “Yes”
* The instructor has a Surface, Studio 2 or he writes any additional information in his computer, which you can see
* If you don’t want the instructor to ask you questions text me at 360-584-8614 and I will let him know
* Mute yourself once you log on. You will see it at the top of the screen
* After asking a question, immediately mute yourself again. This avoids noise.
* Don’t forget to turn on your speakers in your laptop or in your headphone. C
* Click audio at the top of the screen again once you are online. You’ll see it at the top of the screen. * Check any and all> * You must put in your first and last name or first name and last initial. If we don't see this, you will be deleted from the session. This is for everyone's security.
SmartPath,/a> LLC is a PMI(R) Authorized Training Partner, 3441
Mo Haque, MSEE, PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, CMfgT, EDMP is the instructor for all training. Verify Mo Haque's Authorized PMI(R) Authorized Instructor badge.
When? 8:00 PM to 9 PM Eastern Time (same as 5 PM to 6 PM Pacific Time
Dates - 2020: There are no further intended dates at this time for the current PMP exam as we offered these classes in June, July and September. We generally do these seminars when the exam is changing to help motivate them to take the exam before it does.
PMP Exam ending 12/31/2020: Project Management Professional (PMP)(R) Exam
Audience: You've been studying for the PMP Exam and you want to pass. Tell your project management friends about this class so that they can RSVP too!
Participant Advantages: Further ways to learn will be discussed during training.
Instructor: Mo Haque, MSEE, PMP, PMI-PBA, PMI-ACP, CMfgT, EDMP
RSVP: For further questions, please call Nereda Haque, PMP at 360-584-8614 (cell) or email her.
RSVP Cutoff: 4 Hours before the start of class.
What you must do to be able to attend:
a. Email
b. Supply your first and last name, and your mobile phone
d. Date you want to attend
Once you have joined the class, you will receive a class link about and hour or two before the class begins. Your class instructions are below. The dates and time are above on this page.
Step by Step Checklist on what to do before your class begins, if you need more information:
* Restart your laptop or desktop to make sure you are up to date. Do not use your phone.
* If you can’t find an email from, please check for it in your spam.
* Testing your device is automatic now when you log on. Just click on “yes.” Call Nereda Haque, PMP at 360-584-8614 if you need help
* Please use Explorer or Chrome. If there are recent updates non-Microsoft browsers may still be behind. You may also need to update your Java.
* Avoid this: If you are asked to remember the password, say no. Or put in the password each time you join.
* Click on the first long blue link that you are sent from but no sooner than 5 minutes before class begins.
* The Password will automatically fill if you don’t save it
* Select or input your email address; however, may fill in automatically
* Then a screen comes up asking you if you wish to participate * Click “Yes”
* The instructor has a Surface, Studio 2 or he writes any additional information in his computer, which you can see
* If you don’t want the instructor to ask you questions text me at 360-584-8614 and I will let him know
* Mute yourself once you log on. You will see it at the top of the screen
* After asking a question, immediately mute yourself again. This avoids noise.
* Don’t forget to turn on your speakers in your laptop or in your headphone. C
* Click audio at the top of the screen again once you are online. You’ll see it at the top of the screen. * Check any and all> * You must put in your first and last name or first name and last initial. If we don't see this, you will be deleted from the session. This is for everyone's security.