What is EA based SOA Implementation?
Project Management and Business Analysis Training Articles
What is EA based SOA Implementation? by Mo Haque PMP
Enterprise wide architecture modeling creates the process models on which SOA implementation is based. Many enterprises make the mistake of doing a bottom up SOA implementation, meaning it is IT driven. Whether this is process based from the bottom or it is implemented some other way, it makes no difference. This kind of SOA implementation does not work long term. This is a firecracker implementation and it can blow up because it is based on IT dreaming up ideas for business. Business needs to drive the processes through enterprise architecture process models first, including the portfolio architecture so re-use can occur throughout the enterprise. Once the models are developed, the enterprise is ready to make all of their processes visible, for continual reuse, and this also creates requirements for IT.
This is called top down implementation.
Nothing is better than an enterprise architecture model that makes all enterprise entities visible such as business strategy, goals, capabilities, projects, systems, workflows, and IT operations. This visibility aligns the business units and the information services for the good of the enterprise’s strategies.
If you use PowerPoint or Visio Professional you constantly have to re-design all the models when business processes change. We have off-the-shelf tools that will enable your business enterprise to re-use it’s models or change one model and it changes across the enterprise. This is efficient re-use. Efficient re-use puts the power back in the hands of the business enterprise and enables it to update and make changes without the help of IT. The tools we use allows for process attributes, automation, re-engineering and redesign without continual hard coding.
Many processes can be automated today. SmartPath LLC can help you identify your processes through work study and discovery tools, through collaborating with the people who do the processes. Simply, once processes are modeled they can be simulated. Simulation helps expose bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
These methods create cost effectiveness and efficiency.
What is EA based SOA Implementation? by Mo Haque PMP
Enterprise wide architecture modeling creates the process models on which SOA implementation is based. Many enterprises make the mistake of doing a bottom up SOA implementation, meaning it is IT driven. Whether this is process based from the bottom or it is implemented some other way, it makes no difference. This kind of SOA implementation does not work long term. This is a firecracker implementation and it can blow up because it is based on IT dreaming up ideas for business. Business needs to drive the processes through enterprise architecture process models first, including the portfolio architecture so re-use can occur throughout the enterprise. Once the models are developed, the enterprise is ready to make all of their processes visible, for continual reuse, and this also creates requirements for IT.
This is called top down implementation.
Nothing is better than an enterprise architecture model that makes all enterprise entities visible such as business strategy, goals, capabilities, projects, systems, workflows, and IT operations. This visibility aligns the business units and the information services for the good of the enterprise’s strategies.
If you use PowerPoint or Visio Professional you constantly have to re-design all the models when business processes change. We have off-the-shelf tools that will enable your business enterprise to re-use it’s models or change one model and it changes across the enterprise. This is efficient re-use. Efficient re-use puts the power back in the hands of the business enterprise and enables it to update and make changes without the help of IT. The tools we use allows for process attributes, automation, re-engineering and redesign without continual hard coding.
Many processes can be automated today. SmartPath LLC can help you identify your processes through work study and discovery tools, through collaborating with the people who do the processes. Simply, once processes are modeled they can be simulated. Simulation helps expose bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
These methods create cost effectiveness and efficiency.