Passing the Exam & PMI-ACP(R) Online Quiz Practice Learning - Practice Essentials
How to Study & Practice the Quizzes for the PMI-ACP(R) Exam and more. (Updated 11-22-2020)
This class is 21 hours. Your quiz practice is free for up to 30 days post class. The PMI-ACP(R) Exam last changed March 26, 2018. We are in the current exam phrase and there is no announcement for a new PMI-ACP exam. It is highly recommended that you take your exam within 10 to 15 days. If you have knowledge gaps and wish to re-sit, you may do that too. Note: there is not as many PMI-ACP classes as PMP classes and they are seldom held over weekends. However, we answer all questions while you are preparing for the PMI-ACP exam. If you understood the class content, then you should be apply to apply it by answering any kind of exam question.
Recommended Exam Preparation procedures:
Study your book after class every night.
(1) Practice all quizzes, referring to your agile Workflows as you practice them.
(2) Understand why the "wrong" answers are not best answers, and why the best answer is correct on all questions. These are mock questions. The PMI organization does not provide former exam questions. Your questions may be similar or different in the exam. Practice "best answer" and "not best answer" reasoning, logic and cognitive thinking. This is the best way to prepare for a professional psychometric exam.
(3) Do all questions from A to G without repeating any quizzes. Then do a second iterations of the practice questions. This time you should be able to finish them within 3 to 4 hours. Before taking your exam do A, E, F, and G the day before as these are knowledge dense areas for the exam. Study your workflows and tables provided in your agileWorkbook.
(4) Take your exam the next day after finishing the final round of quizzes is preferable. If you are not able to take your exam within 20 days, then redo all quizzes, following by A, E,F,G the day before the exam, looking up anything that you have forgotten.