About PMI-ACP Certification Training - Do You teach scrum?

Do you teach Scrum? Yes we do.
The PMI-ACP(R) Certification Training at SmartPath LLC includes training on 10 methodologies, including scrum, hybrids, and so much more.
Please seefor PMI-ACP Agile Certification Prep class options.
Agile Cert Prep in Bellevue-Seattle, WA, Troy, MI or DC Groups
Agile Cert Prep - Federal Govt Prices with Exam
Agile Cert Prep - Federal Govt, without Exam Agile Cert Prep - non-Federal Govt , US agencies
Agile Cert Prep, for Do the Same Class Again trainees - available once free re-sitting options run out.
The PMI-ACP(R) Certification Training at SmartPath LLC includes training on 10 methodologies, including scrum, hybrids, and so much more.
Please see
Agile Cert Prep in Bellevue-Seattle, WA, Troy, MI or DC Groups
Agile Cert Prep - Federal Govt Prices with Exam
Agile Cert Prep - Federal Govt, without Exam Agile Cert Prep - non-Federal Govt , US agencies
Agile Cert Prep, for Do the Same Class Again trainees - available once free re-sitting options run out.