Agile Online Learning Package with Exam Review Prep for the PMI-ACP exam that started on 3/26/18. (This page was updated 2-23-2022). The PMI-ACP® Exam fee is not included in the learning price, and the third exam Pass Guarantee for PMI-ACP exam is not included in the price of this learning package.
This Agile Learning Package is a comprehensive package on Agile Methodologies and best practices, aligned to the PMI-ACP(R) Exam Outline. This package provides the Agile Class Workbook, the online quiz practice for the PMI-ACP exam for 90 days, and a two-hour PMI-ACP Exam Review by < a href="">Mo Haque, MSEE, PMI-ACP, PMP, PMI-PBA, CMfgT, EDMP. You will need a laptop to join this training.
Email Nereda Haque, PMP. or call or text her at 360-584-8614 to set up your 2 hour PMI-ACP Exam Review time.
The PMI-ACP® Exam fee is not included in the learning price and the third exam Pass Guarantee for PMI-ACP is not included.
This class provides structured learning in the form of quiz practice and specific instruction in your agileWorkbook (the Agile Class book) which you practice and understand. You will also receive a PMI-ACP Exam Performance Checklist which is a learning guideline mapped to your exam. It is in your agileWorkbook. To receive a certificate of 21 hours of learning, you will need to complete 19 hours of quiz practice plus the Exam review prep portion or just 21 hours of quiz practice learning. This training is also ideal if you have already taken an Agile class and you want to refresh your learning. Just one Exam Review session comes with this package. Free re-sitting of any other Exam Review sessions are not included.
If you are doing this training for 21; PDUs: Your PDU Item #: Agile-AOSP-E6. You will need to show that you did the 2-hour class, plus at least 19 hours of quiz practice in order to receive a certificate of completion for 21 hours. Please complete all quiz practice and submit it it on the FlexiQuiz so I can validate your learning hours.
Class Objectives:
(1) To provide the knowledge you need to pass the PMI-ACP Exam
(2) To provide agile learning with a completion certificate for 21 hours of PMI-ACP training where applicable (the quiz practice must be completed first.
(3) To provide agile and hybrid management skills to effectively lead agile and hybrid project management teams.
(4) To understand how to maximize value delivery
(5) To understand how to maximize team performance
(6) To understand agile principles and methodologies, and the variety of tools available to the agile team.
All Training is aligned to the the PMI-ACP Exam Outline. This learning package is focused on what you need to know in order to pass the PMI-ACP exam, although this same knowledge also provides the skills you need to know to lead your Agile projects.
(1) Project and Agile Project Managers wishing to earn PDUs, or gain industry knowledge
(2) Agile Practitioners wanting to pass the PMI-ACP Exam who may or may not have taken a prior training,
(3) Project managers who took an previous PMP Exam Prep training, who want to pass the PMP exam that started 1/2/2021. The current PMP exam requires more agile and hybrid project management knowledge than the 2018-2020 PMP Exam.
(4) Other Project Managers or Operations Professionals who want to acquire more learning.
See all
PDU OptionsSee PDU Details Below if you are updating your PMI certifications
PMI-ACP Exam Areas covered:
Manifesto & Agile Mindset
Product Owner
Agile PM (APM)
Agile Team
Appropriate Business Stakeholders
10 Methodologies
Tools and Techniques
PMI-ACP Exam Breakdown by Category |
Domain Number |
Domain Title |
Percent in Exam |
Number of Questions in Exam |
Domain I. |
Agile Principles and Mindset | 16% |
16 |
Domain II. |
Value-Driven Delivery | 20% |
20 |
Domain III. |
Stakeholder Engagement |
17% | 17 |
Domain IV. |
Team Performance | 16 | 16 |
Domain V. | Adaptive Planning | 12% | 12 |
Domain VI. | Problem Detection and Resolution | 10% | 10 |
Domain VII. |
Continuous Improvement (Product, Process,People |
17% | 17 |
TOTAL | | 100% | 100% |
Item #: AOSP-E6.
PDU Details : T = Technical for the certification; L = Leadership; S = Strategic. For TLS breakdown: PDU # is Agile-AOSP
PMP®/PgMP® PDUs: T/L/S: 14/4/3
PMI-ACP® PDUs: T/L/S: 14/4/3
PfMP® PDUs: T/L/S: 14/4/3
PMI-PBA® PDUs: T/L/S: 0/4/3
Your Learning Plan: Blended Learning for the PMI-ACP Exam : This training provides interactive and simulated learning with class materials in digital format that include workflows, study guidelines, and exam performance checklist based on the PMI-ACP exam outline; online learning quizzes for 90 days that provide all answers, and a 2-hour exam review with Instructor Mo Haque, MSEE, MSEE, PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, EDMP, CMfgT
(1) Schedule your 2-hour Instructor Led Review Date upfront
(2) Study your materials and follow the study guidelines
(3) Request your quiz links
(3) Finish all quiz practice 2 times
(4) Take the 2-hrour Instructor Review class
(5) Review the Exam Performance Checklist based on the PMI-ACP Exam
(6) Take the 2-hour Live Review
(7) Complete another Iteration of quiz practice
(8) Take the PMI-ACP exam.
Class Instructions & Materials:
(1) The agileWorkbook includes workflows and study guidelines. It will be sent out within 12 days of purchase.
(2) You will be sent an exam review class instructions for 100% Live Online instruction. You have 45 total days to complete the quiz practice from the time you receive the quiz links.
(3) Email us when you wish to start your online quiz practice learning
Also refer to your
Agile Kanban board for quiz instructions. You will receive this link with quiz instructions.